To answer questions relating to the college's transition from Moodle to Brightspace and/or use of the new learning management system, SUNY Empire will host a series of virtual office hours for faculty and adjunct instructors before and during the beginning of the Fall 2022 term.<br><br>Each of these drop-in, office-hour sessions will be staffed by members of the Empire Online and Information Technology Services teams.<br><br>Click the <a class='link' href='…; target='_blank'></a>.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%2250091132-5464-4f69-98c6-d089ea5e875c%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%229e4588b3-9b2d-4310-bd70-333506de65b2%22%7d [join meeting link] on the day/time of the office hour you'd like to attend.<br><br>All sessions are on MS Teams and will not be recorded. Guest access is available if you cannot log in with your SUNY Empire account.<br>Need technical support to attend? Contact the [SUNY Empire IT Service Desk].<br>For additional one-on-one training, you can book an appointment with an EdTech at [] .