Reason & Respect: How Do We Handle This? Perspectives on Mental Health Crises in the Community

By admin, 3 December, 2024

The year 2020 was unlike any other in recent memory. Amid the sociopolitical turmoil that led up to the elections that fall, SUNY Empire State College launched Reason &amp; Respect, a monthly series that explores sensitive topics in a way that is thoughtful and circumspect. These conversations illustrate SUNY Empire’s commitment to the open exchange of ideas and respect for divergent viewpoints. <br><br>In this month’s Reason &amp; Respect conversation, mental health professionals and a person directly impacted by the mental health system will discuss concerns about safety, empathy, and justice in community responses to mental health crises. Panelists will draw on their personal and professional experiences to explore alternative models for crisis response. SUNY Empire student Em Wasserman Vaianella, a New York certified peer specialist, and Rebecca Bonanno, SUNY Empire’s Student Mental Health Faculty Fellow, will be among the panelists.

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