Changing Up (or Creating) Your General Education Course - Humanities

By admin, 3 December, 2024

Registration is required for the purpose of creating breakout rooms in Teams. If the workshop fills up quickly, other workshops may be offered; this has yet to be determined.<br><br>Humanities - June 6, 2022 from 10 a.m. - 12 p.m. To register click <a class='link' href=',WpH0Vn_…; target='_blank'>here</a><br><br>Starting December 2021, SUNY officially adopted a revised General Education Curriculum. As such, all campuses are working to update their general education curriculum to comply with SUNY Administration&#039;s mandate. We are offering a series of workshops focused on each of the general education areas to assist faculty with updating their current general education courses to the new general education outcomes and guidelines.<br><br>We will offer nine workshops this spring. There are two types of workshops being offered. One type focuses on converting current general education courses to the new general education outcomes. The second focus for revising courses is to meet the new general education areas: Diversity: Equity, Inclusion, and Social Justice; U.S. History and Civic Engagement; and World History and Global Awareness.<br><br>These workshops are intended to be very interactive. The first 20-30 minutes are allocated for comparing the old and new general education outcomes or reviewing the new general education area outcomes. The rest of the time is spent working on your own course with colleagues who teach in the same general education area with 15 to 20 minutes at the end to share what you find.<br><br>What to Bring<br>1. A learning contract for a course that is designated as a general education course or might fit one of the new general education areas.<br>2. A course outline, or any other materials relevant to updating the course.<br>3. A positive attitude about working on courses.<br>4. Water and snacks to sustain you for the two hours.<br><br>What to Expect<br>1. To work in groups of three or four.<br>2. To have a conversion game plan when the workshop is over.<br>3. To build a community of people who teach in the same general education area.<br>4. To be productive and have fun.

MS Teams Webinar - Registration Required
Start Date